28th congress EASTLOG, May 29–30, 2025

Norbert Riethof, Coaching Systems

co-founder and director

Norbert Riethof, Coaching Systems

co-founder and director

Norbert Riethof is the co-founder and director of the companies Coaching Systems and Academy of Coaching Excellence, which specialize in the use of coaching and the coaching approach in the development of people, teams, and organizations. He also works as a psychologist, coach, supervisor of coaches, psychotherapist, and consultant. He has been working in the field of education, development, and coaching of adults and applied psychology for more than 25 years. He served as the president of EMCC Czech Republic, holds the international accreditation of coaches EIA Senior Practitioner and Professional Certified Coach (PCC). He deals with individual and team coaching and psychological counseling in corporations, the state, and non-profit sectors. He deals with the topic of mental health and preventing burnout. He lectures at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University on the application of coaching and mentoring in organizational development and at the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University on medical psychology. He is the co-author of three books on coaching and personality typology.

HR roundtable program

13:45 – 16:00
Conference hall D3