28th congress EASTLOG, May 29–30, 2025

Katarína Dobišová, Nestlé

distribution manager CZ & SK

Katarína Dobišová, Nestlé

distribution manager CZ & SK

Katarína Dobišová joined Nestlé Slovensko in 1998. Since then, she has held various administrative and management positions in the sales and logistics departments. Since 2002, she has held the position of manager of logistics and customer service for Slovakia. In 2009, she was the supply chain development manager for Nestlé Czech Republic and Slovakia. Since 2010, she has been responsible for physical logistics within Nestlé in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. She started her career in the financial field in private companies. She graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. She attended selected MBA program courses at New York University in Prague.