28th congress EASTLOG, May 29–30, 2025

Aleš Malucha, Rohlik Group

group chief automation officer

Aleš Malucha, Rohlik Group

group chief automation officer

Aleš Malucha graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the Technical University in Ostrava. He started his career as a consultant at PQL, and then he worked for 14 years in various managerial positions, mainly related to logistics and supply chain management, for Metro Cash & Carry, in the first five years in its Czech and Slovak branches, then in Germany, England and Russia. In 2013, he joined the Lieken / Logi-K bakery company, where he dealt with post-merger integration. Starting in 2015, he was the head of e-commerce logistics and supply chain for Also Group, which focuses on the distribution of IT hardware and software throughout Europe. From 2019 to 2021, he worked as the operations director of Since 2021, he has held the position of group chief automation officer for the entire Rohlik Group, overseeing massive automatization projects at Rohlik Group’s distribution centers in the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Hungary.