28th congress EASTLOG, May 29–30, 2025

Stefan Walter Scharr, Continental

Head of SCM

Stefan Walter Scharr, Continental

Head of SCM

Stefan Scharr, born in 1968 in Koenigstein, Germany is an experienced leader in the field of Supply Chain Management. Gratuate of the Technical University Darmstadt, Germany he shows an exceptional attention to detail, quality and leadership skills within his entire career. Part of the Continental family for more than 19 years now, he accelerated his professional knowledge within the Central Logistics functions in Germany before moving to Production Plants in Hungary, Mexico and finally Czech Republic as Head of Supply Chain Management. Always looking for the new innovative approach towards SCM, Stefan is guiding his team in the expansion process of the Brandýs Plant´s logistics. He showed an outstanding talent in being a role model in living the Continental values and in people development and now supports his team in the great initiative of implementation of numerous modern technologies as part of the broad Industry 4.0 vision of the company. The first ever implementation of the Autostore technology in Czech Republic can be named as the best example.